OC Replay
Featuring some of our most popular online content
Make Bone Health a Priority & Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease that takes years to develop without any warning symptoms. Bone mass is gradually lost, making the bones weaker and more prone to fracturing or breaking. The first warning sign of osteoporosis is often a fracture.
Don’t miss our expert panel as they discuss the role of the pharmacist, nutrition and exercise to make bone health a priority and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
Fractures, Fears and Family
Christine Thomas discusses the impact on family and friends and strategies for all of those around you who are affected.
Osteoporosis and Medications: Top 5 Things to Know
Dr. Teri Charrois, BScPharm, MSc, EdD shares information on the top 5 things that you should know about osteoporosis and medications.
What About Your Bones and Why do They Matter? Bone Health Resources in Small Communities
In small communities sometimes not all healthcare resources for assessing bone health are available. Our panel discusses how you can get the information and access to the tools and resources you need to make informed decisions to reduce your risk and manage osteoporosis. The webinar panel provides information on exercise and nutrition to help keep your bones strong and healthy especially during COVID-19.
Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis & Improve Your Bone Health
Reduce your risk of osteoporosis and improve your bone health with food choices, fitness, exercise and at the pharmacy.
There are still a lot of myths out there about osteoporosis and its’ care and treatments. In this webinar special guest panelists discuss and dispel the most common myths in their field of expertise.
Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for bone health. In this presentation Stephanie Atkinson, PhD discusses:
- Vitamin D –why do we need it?
- Does the new Canada’s Food Guide provide good nutrition for bone health?
- Is it necessary to have Vitamin D status measured?
- Can I prevent bone fractures by taking extra Vitamin D?
- How do we make sure to get enough?