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Impact Report


2023 – 2024

2023 – 2024



My Story

Two women smiling and hugging Two women smiling and hugging

My Story


Susan grew up in PEI, in a small town called Montague and lived in other communities across the province before finishing her science degree at Dalhousie University. After graduating, she settled in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

In 2006, Susan’s doctor advised she was going to have a bone mineral density (BMD) test. She didn’t have any idea what this test was but given she had some other medical issues she did the test and then a follow up every two years. After having a BMD test done in 2022 her doctor told her “You have osteoporosis.”

I was in disbelief. I was devastated. I had no idea what osteoporosis was.


Like many people, Susan thought that this was what happened to your bones, once people got older.

She was used to asking questions and searching for information, so she went to her computer to do an online search and typed in “osteoporosis”.  The first item that came up was Osteoporosis Canada.

Susan was overwhelmed by news of her diagnosis, but she was thankful that there was a website that would provide her with reputable information. She also liked that there was a whole organization dedicated to bone health and osteoporosis.

Susan discovered online courses she could join including programs like Bone Health 101. The Community Engagement Manager suggested joining a monthly support group for Atlantic Canada which she found very helpful along with the information, tools and resources on the Osteoporosis Canada website.

You don’t feel that you’re alone and you feel that there’s someone you can reach out too, to ask questions and gather information. When I found the Osteoporosis Canada website, it was like a light was turned on for me. There’s so much solid, reliable information that I immediately felt safer and more confident.


Today Susan is not fearful about having osteoporosis, but it took some time to get to this point and having support from the community she is now a part of has helped. Susan focuses on her diet, exercise about how she moves. Not only concerned for herself but she also consistently checks in with her daughter’s bone health journey.

Susan is passionate about getting people educated as early as possible about their bone health, emphasizing the importance of taking care of your bones from an early age. She believes that education at all levels – the general public, patients and healthcare providers is necessary.

Osteoporosis is not just a part of aging and it is a big deal!


Susan continues to be an active member of Osteoporosis Canada’s monthly Atlantic Canada support group learning and sharing with those who have similar life experiences. She continues to stay focused on her health and receiving the support she needs while making sure she informs her daughter, so she too can make her bone health a priority.

Photo of Susan


Osteoporosis Canada Advocate and Participant


Bone health is important at every age but especially during childhood and adolescence when bones are still growing. As most people reach their maximum bone size and strength – peak bone mass – by age 30, bone-healthy behaviours are important from an early age in order to optimize bone health and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.

Two men walking. Text Reads: "Did you know... Over 8-% of all fractures in people 50+ are caused by osteoporosis"


“All the work, research and effort that the whole team puts into these educational presentations is so appreciated and so very valuable and helpful. Your site and education materials have provided me with the information, support and steps I needed to take after my diagnosis. I would have been truly lost without the resources you offer.

And, the fact that your excellent resources are free to access is such a gift!” 

Webinar Attendee 


Two women smiling. Text Reads: " Did You Know... Fractures from osteoporosis are more common than heart attack, stroke and breast cancer combined."



2023 – 2024

2023- 2024

The difference you make!

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to improving the lives of Canadians. As an active Osteoporosis Canada donor, partner, volunteer, advocate and staff member – you are fueling our vital work right across the country.

Over the past year, new developments and exciting opportunities have provided a new evidence-based guideline for healthcare providers in the diagnosis, treatment and management of their patient’s osteoporosis and the addition of new community engagement staff has significantly increased programming and outreach especially for Francophones.

With your help, we need to continue to innovate, advocate and push forward to provide vital information, education, services and support to the over 2.3 million Canadians living with osteoporosis.

Each person who donates, advocates and works with Osteoporosis Canada is making positive change happen so we can help people stay fracture free.

Together, we will make Canadians unbreakable.



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Web Users


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Page Visits


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Web Users


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Page Visits




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Web users icon of a person


Landing Page Hits


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Social Media

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Total Reach


New Videos


Total Videos Views


Absolutely an empowering session for people with osteoporosis. Thanks so much for being with us on this tough journey! Great to be with a group with the same experience and sharing the experience together. Good tips to move safely and not having fracture in the future. Please continue with this important program.

– Living Well with Osteoporosis, Program Participant 


Grandfather and grandchild Text Reads "Did You Know Bone health is important at every age but especially during childhood and adolescence when bones are still growing. As most people reach their maximum bone size and strength – peak bone mass – by age 30, bone-healthy behaviours are important from an early age in order to optimize bone health and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life."


Over 2.3 million Canadians are living with osteoporosis.

Over 80% of all fractures in people 50+ are caused by osteoporosis.


“I am so grateful for the Cooking Webinars.  Many thanks, for what you do to support others of us with exciting new and healthy recipes.  My partner and I have fun participating in the webinar and later trying the recipes for ourselves.

This is a tremendous means of outreach on the part of Osteoporosis Canada and the primary reason my household donates annually to this important organization.” 

– Cooking Demo Participant and Donor


17 Webinars


17 Webinars



 Osteoporosis Canada is an absolutely essential service for all people! I wish that I knew about Osteoporosis Canada sooner. The monthly meetings are uplifting and a dose of reality all in one! The cooking classes are always inspiring and informative too! Well done, well done to all who are behind Osteoporosis Canada.”

Webinar Attendee 



26 Total podcasts

64,948 total listens/plays



19 videos

69,350 total views



32 Total Blog Posts

44,816 Total Views



138 Emails Sent

346,624 opens/engagements



“The group support has been amazing. It’s like friends getting together but we all have a common topic. The Support Group has made a huge difference. Sharing experiences shows us that we’re not alone. Upon discovering Osteoporosis Canada, I’ve changed from being a reactive patient to a proactive patient. With improved knowledge came improvement in diet, exercise, vitamins, and bone density.”

– Support Group Participant



Support Groups


Total Number of Programs


Total Registrants


Total Number of Support Group Sessions


Total Attendees



Total Number of Programs


Total Attendees

Support Groups


Total Number of Support Group Sessions


Total Attendees


Fractures from osteoporosis are more common than heart attack, stroke and breast cancer combined.


Year ended March 31, 2024

Osteoporosis Canada’s Program Fund encompasses revenue and expenses related to education, advocacy and awareness, administration and fundraising. It ended the year with a surplus of $53,530. The Program Fund balance at fiscal year-end was $574,903.

The Reserve Fund, set up to mitigate against unexpected situations involving a revenue shortage or unexpected expenses, had a fiscal year end balance of $1,221,208.

The Research Fund which provides the funding for projects related to clinical and educational work specific to Bone Health, had a balance of $1,679,621 at the end of the fiscal year.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff, volunteers, and management of Osteoporosis Canada for their continued commitment to the success of the organization. Their perseverance and conscientiousness have mitigated against the challenging economic situation of the past year.


Celeste Munger

Treasurer, National Board of Directors


2023 - 2024 Revenue Pie Chart
*Ontario Ministry, Federal Government & Other Provincial funding
*Ontario Ministry, Federal Government & Other Provincial funding


2023 - 2024 Expenses Pie Chart
Doctor speaking to patient. Text reads: " Did you know... 1 in 3 hip fracture patients will re-fracture within one year. 22% of women and 33% of men who suffer a hip fracture will die within one year."


1 in 3 hip fracture patients
will re-fracture within
one year
22% of women and
33% of men who suffer a hip fracture
will die within one year


“A quick note to thank you! I am so impressed by the help, info and support this series of seminars has given me! You have been so organized and the follow-up info has been equally valuable to keep for reference and study. As you well know, knowledge is gold and it helps me feel stronger knowing I am doing what I can to help my body be well!!” 

– Program Participant


Person hiking


This past fiscal year Osteoporosis Canada made great strides in advancing care focused on musculoskeletal health through the release of the new guideline on managing osteoporosis to assist Canadian healthcare providers which was published by the Osteoporosis Canada 2023 Guideline Update Group in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ).

With over 2.3 million Canadians living with osteoporosis, the intention of the guideline is to assist Canadian primary care providers in the delivery of care to optimize skeletal health and prevent fractures in postmenopausal females and in males 50 years and older.

At the Osteoporosis Canada Canadian Musculoskeletal Conference (CMC) in November 2023 the new guideline was shared with national and international experts in osteoporosis and was a well attended hybrid event with healthcare providers from across the country engaging in meaningful discussions focused on patient care.

As fewer than 20% of fracture patients in Canada currently undergo diagnosis or adequate treatment for osteoporosis – we are steadfast in our commitment to establishing more FLSs and are pleased to confirm that sites continue to expand across the country with Newfoundland and Labrador seeing the establishment of two new FLS Sites. The Brookfield Chair in Fracture Prevention funded the Breakfree FLS sites at Western Memorial Hospital in Corner Brook and at St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital in St. John’s.

The collaboration and work between both The Brookfield Chair and Osteoporosis Canada is part of a major initiative to foster and seed fund new FLS programs across Canada.  Since the start of the partnership between both groups, the result has seen the fostering of new FLS sites in provinces previously without an FLS program.

The expansion of new FLS locations in Canada is fueling our efforts to continue to establish an FLS at every fracture clinic in the country, to ensure that all fragility fracture patients (outpatients and inpatients) receive the osteoporosis care they need to help prevent their imminent next fracture.

Significant work was also done to develop and complete a new 5-year Strategic Plan for the organization by the strategic planning committee comprised of members from the Board of Directors, Osteoporosis Canada Executive, Scientific Advisory Council and COPN members which will be unveiled in September 2024.

This new strategic plan will document what and how Osteoporosis Canada will strive to achieve the goals set out focused on core strategies to drive and guide fracture reduction, optimize bone health and drive organizational resilience.  A thoughtful strategy implementation plan developed and executed by Osteoporosis Canada leadership will follow and be delivered over a five-year period.  

We are grateful for the generosity of our donors, corporate partners and funders who help us reach more people, in more communities across the country through the development of digital tools, support services and educational programming. The continued commitment of our supporters and volunteers is demonstrated by the increasingly growing number of people we serve, while our advocacy initiatives continue working to ensure everyone has access to healthcare that can diagnose and treat those with osteoporosis.

Collectively, you all make it possible for us to educate, advocate, empower and support Canadians in optimizing their bone health and in managing osteoporosis to stay fracture free.

Together, we will make Canadians unbreakable.

Thank you.

Dr. Famida Jiwa

President and CEO, Osteoporosis Canada

Jeannette Briggs

Chair, National Board of Directors
© Osteoporosis Canada, 2025
Charitable Registration No. 89551 0931 RR 0001