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Featuring some of our most popular online content

Common Questions About Osteoporosis and Drug Therapies

Common Questions About Osteoporosis and Drug Therapies

March 21, 2023

There are many questions for those taking osteoporosis medications and treatments including why they are being prescribed, concerns over side effects and the importance of sticking to a medication schedule.

The Benefits of Protein and Exercise for Bone Health

The Benefits of Protein and Exercise for Bone Health

March 16, 2023

Do you consider your eating habits when thinking about your exercise program? Do you think about your eating habits when planning your exercise program? That what you eat and when can impact the benefits of exercise?

Nutrition in the Lifecycle

Nutrition in the Lifecycle

January 30, 2023

Registered Dietitian Shelly Hagen discusses how bone building nutrients affect each stage of life and how best to meet nutritional needs supporting strong and healthy bones.

Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis: What You Need To Know

Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis: What You Need To Know

November 30, 2022

Dr. Heather McDonald-Blumer, a rheumatologist and Lisa Robinson, Registered Physiotherapist discuss each condition, how they differ, what makes them similar and if you have osteoarthritis and osteoporosis – how you can manage both conditions.

Santé des os 101

Santé des os 101

November 25, 2022

Cette présentation procure un aperçu sur l’ostéoporose et sur les façons de veiller à la santé des os afin de réduire les risques de souffrir de la maladie et de subir des fractures ostéoporotiques.

Dance! Ballet for Bone Health

Dance! Ballet for Bone Health

November 15, 2022

Osteoporosis Canada together with Canada’s National Ballet School brings you Dance! Ballet for Bone Health. This virtual adult ballet class is a great way to learn the basics of ballet and to discover the joy of dance.

Fun in the Summertime – Staying Active with Osteoporosis

Fun in the Summertime – Staying Active with Osteoporosis

July 27, 2022

During the summer months, there are many ways to exercise, participate in organized sports and simply enjoy activities in the great outdoors. If you have osteoporosis – you may need to make modifications or choose a different way to stay active entirely depending on your condition.

Fore! Golfing with Osteoporosis

Fore! Golfing with Osteoporosis

May 25, 2022

Our keynote speakers review exercise and physical activity recommendations, discuss golf movements to modify to prevent fractures and will demonstrate and discuss strategies to modify your golf game and more.

Diabetes and Osteoporosis

Diabetes and Osteoporosis

April 12, 2022

There are several risk factors for osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures including age, sex, fragility fracture after the age of 40, use of glucocorticoid drugs, medications, medical conditions that inhibit absorption of nutrients, in addition to conditions that contribute to bone loss such as diabetes.

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