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Common Questions About Osteoporosis and Drug Therapies

Common Questions About Osteoporosis and Drug Therapies

Original Air Date : March 21, 2023

Original Air Date : March 21, 2023

There are many questions for those taking osteoporosis medications and treatments including why they are being prescribed, concerns over side effects and the importance of sticking to a medication schedule. Join OC and Teri Charrois, a pharmacist who works in a multidisciplinary osteoporosis clinic in the Division of Rheumatology, University of Alberta and is a member of Osteoporosis Canada’s Scientific Advisory Council (SAC).


Teri Charrois

Teri Charrois

BScPharm, ACPR, MSc, EdD
Teri Charrois graduated with her BScPharm from the University of Alberta in 1997. She worked at the Grey Nuns Hospital in internal medicine for several years before completing her Master’s degree in Clinical Epidemiology in 2005. Teri then worked as a Research Associate in the Faculty of Medicine, coordinating research studies in pharmacy practice. In 2010, Teri moved to Curtin University in Perth, Australia as a Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy. She returned to Edmonton in June 2014 and started her current position as Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Practice Innovation in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Alberta. Teri is finishing her Doctor of Education from the University of Calgary. For her clinical practice, Teri works in a multidisciplinary osteoporosis clinic once a week in the Division of Rheumatology, University of Alberta and is a member of Osteoporosis Canada’s Scientific Advisory Council (SAC).


Kerry Grady

Kerry Grady

MHSC, RD Senior Manager, Scientific and Clinical Programs, Osteoporosis Canada


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