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Announcing New SAC Chair – Dr. Rowena Ridout

Rowena Ridout

Dr. Rowena Ridout is the new chair of Osteoporosis Canada’s Scientific Advisory Council. Rowena has been involved with Osteoporosis Canada since 2010 as an active member of the Scientific Advisory Council.  Presently, Rowena is a member of Osteoporosis Canada’s Board of Directors and is involved in the development of the new clinical practice guidelines.  She has sat on numerous SAC committees. Rowena was previously the medical advisor for COPN. 

Dr. Ridout is an endocrinologist at the Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network and a staff physician at the UHN/MSH Osteoporosis Program.  She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate medical training at the University of Toronto. She has been involved in clinical research in osteoporosis including the attainment and maintenance of peak bone mass, the treatment of steroid-induced osteoporosis in boys with Duchene Muscular Dystrophy and interventions in the fracture clinic. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and her primary academic activity is teaching and education.

Osteoporosis Canada and the Scientific Advisory Council would also like to recognize and extend sincere thanks to Dr. Sandra Kim for her work and leadership as the SAC Chair 2018-2021. 

Please welcome Dr. Ridout!

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