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February 24, 2023

Osteoporosis can have a significant impact on our physical and emotional well-being including how broken bones and the diagnosis of osteoporosis can affect our sexuality and intimacy. Sexuality can be […]

March 10, 2020

Dairy, soy, and risk of breast cancer: those confounded milks Dairy, soy, and risk of breast cancer: those confounded milks Gary E Fraser, Karen Jaceldo-Siegl, Michael Orlich, Andrew Mashchak, Rawiwan Sirirat, Synnove Knutsen International […]

April 8, 2019

SECONDARY OSTEOPOROSIS Medications and medical conditions can increase the risk of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures. Drugs and Diseases that can Cause Bone Loss, Falls and/or Fractures There are several well […]

April 8, 2019

Risk Factors At least 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will break a bone from osteoporosis. Did you know? Fractures from osteoporosis are more common than heart […]

April 13, 2022

There are several risk factors for osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures including age, sex, fragility fracture after the age of 40, use of glucocorticoid drugs, medications, medical conditions that inhibit absorption […]

June 2, 2021

There are several well known risk factors for osteoporosis including age, sex, low body weight and low bone mineral density. But did you know that other less well known risk […]

April 8, 2019

HORMONE THERAPY (HT) Estrogen plays such an important role in maintaining bone. Hormone Therapy (HT) or estrogen/progesterone, is commonly used to relieve the symptoms of menopause. However, because estrogen plays […]

April 13, 2022

The Accessible Canada Directorate within Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has engaged Quorus Consulting Group to conduct the second cycle of public opinion research measuring Canadians’ awareness and experience(s) […]

October 26, 2021

WILLS AND ESTATES Help Canadians Affected by Osteoporosis by Leaving a Gift in Your Will When you leave a gift to Osteoporosis Canada in your Will, you can feel confident […]

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