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Nutrition in the Lifecycle

Bone Health is important throughout our lifecycle with most of us reaching peak bone mass by age 30. Bone-healthy behaviours are important from an early age in order to optimize bone health. As we age, we lose bone mass and may become at-risk for osteoporosis and related fractures.

Registered Dietitian Shelly Hagen discusses how bone building nutrients affect each stage of life and how best to meet nutritional needs supporting strong and healthy bones.

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Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis: What You Need To Know

Osteoporosis Canada together with Arthritis Society Canada presents Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis: What You Need To Know.

Despite the fact that osteoporosis, arthritis and osteoarthritis (a form of arthritis) are completely different conditions, they are frequently confused, in particular osteoporosis and osteoarthritis because both names start with “osteo.”

Dr. Heather McDonald-Blumer, a rheumatologist and Lisa Robinson, Registered Physiotherapist discuss each condition, how they differ, what makes them similar and if you have osteoarthritis and osteoporosis – how you can manage both conditions.

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Santé des os 101

Aimeriez-vous en savoir davantage sur les façons de maintenir la santé et la solidité des os? Ou connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui aimerait le savoir? Joignez-vous à notre webinaire Santé des os 101, une séance informative de base pour celles et ceux qui souhaiteraient connaître les faits sur la santé des os et l’ostéoporose. Cette présentation procure un aperçu sur l’ostéoporose et sur les façons de veiller à la santé des os afin de réduire les risques de souffrir de la maladie et de subir des fractures ostéoporotiques.

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Dance! Ballet for Bone Health

Osteoporosis Canada together with Canada’s National Ballet School brings you Dance! Ballet for Bone Health. This virtual adult ballet class is a great way to learn the basics of ballet and to discover the joy of dance.

Exercise is an important step towards protecting your bones at every age, as it helps protect the spine, slows the rate of bone loss, and builds muscle strength, which can prevent falls.

Dance, including ballet, is an aerobic exercise that also assists with balance and posture awareness and is a benefit to physical and mental health.

Speak with your healthcare provider prior to engaging in any exercise program.

What to expect?

This class, based on Canada’s National Ballet School’s much-loved Adult Ballet Program, will provide participants with an introduction to ballet in a safe and supportive environment. With live musical accompaniment, this class will allow participants to explore their artistry while being introduced to foundations of classical ballet.

Class will begin with exercises at the barre, followed by dance combinations away from the barre. Participants can use the back of a chair or a countertop as an at-home barre.

Exercises will be modified to include seated options for those who prefer to dance in a seated position.

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Fun in the Summertime – Staying Active with Osteoporosis

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors whether you are hiking on nature trails, heading to the beach, local park or in your own backyard. During the summer months, there are many ways to exercise, participate in organized sports and simply enjoy activities in the great outdoors. If you have osteoporosis – you may need to make modifications or choose a different way to stay active entirely depending on your condition. Our keynote speaker addresses outdoor activities for people with osteoporosis including racquet sports, hiking, horseback riding, cycling and more.

In partnership with The Collings Stevens Family Foundation.

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Fore! Golfing with Osteoporosis

As soon as the early signs of spring appear, golfers start counting down the days until their first tee-off of the season! Golfing is a great outdoor sport, a good form of exercise, can be done on your own or with a group and it’s fun! But for those who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis – you may need to make modifications or choose a different way to play the sport depending on your condition.

Our keynote speakers review exercise and physical activity recommendations, discuss golf movements to modify to prevent fractures and will demonstrate and discuss strategies to modify your golf game and more.

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Diabetes and Osteoporosis

There are several risk factors for osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures including age, sex, fragility fracture after the age of 40, use of glucocorticoid drugs, medications, medical conditions that inhibit absorption of nutrients, in addition to conditions that contribute to bone loss such as diabetes.

Osteoporosis that results from having another disease or condition or from the treatment of another condition is called secondary osteoporosis.

Download “Checklist for your doctor” here.

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Making A Will 101

No one likes to think about emergency planning but 57% of Canadian adults don’t have a will, and that number goes up to 89% among millennials. Having a solid estate plan in place is a key part of “adulting” – just like getting insurance or an RRSP. Wills can be confusing though: who needs one, what are they, and what do I need to know to get one in place? In this webinar Willful will guide you through will basics, bust some myths, and up your estate planning knowledge. We’ll also highlight legacy giving basics.

Willful is a simple to use and secure online tool that will walk you through, step by step in setting up your will.

Use the following promo code to receive $20 off when using Willful: OSTEO20

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