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2023 Osteoporosis Canada Volunteer Awards

2023 Osteoporosis Canada Volunteer Awards

Osteoporosis Canada’s Volunteer Awards Program recognizes the contribution and positive impact of volunteers.

Individuals who donate their time, do so in a variety of ways from delivering education and support, to sitting on the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Council and by providing administrative assistance.

The goal of the awards is to recognize and inspire our volunteers who make a difference in the lives of those affected by osteoporosis.

If you would like to nominate an individual for a 2023 Osteoporosis Canada Volunteer Award see below.

Backbone Award

Recipients of the Backbone Award recognize volunteers who, through their actions, efforts and ideas, have made a significant impact in the area they are working in.

Nomination Submission Criteria

  1. A member of the OC community who is a current member, program participant, volunteer or staff person can nominate a volunteer who meets the criteria and who best embodies the award’s spirit using the attached application form.
  2. Nominations submitted after the deadline are ineligible.
  3. Nominations must be submitted by the deadline of July 15, 2023 at 5:00pm EDT via the online nomination form.
  4. All eligible nominations will be reviewed after the submission deadline.
  5. Eligible nominations will be judged based solely on the submitted information. Only those individuals who best fit the set criteria will be granted the award. 
  6. Backbone Awards will be presented at OC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), if possible, or at a local recognition event.

The Eleanor Mills Inspiration Award

The recipient of the Eleanor Mills Inspiration Award is a volunteer who, like Eleanor, has embraced their own osteoporosis, and by doing so has inspired others with their determination, perseverance and optimism and has given of themselves to champion the cause. 

The Eleanor Mills Story

On Mother’s Day, 1993, Eleanor Mills equipped with her walker-chair launched the “Boney Express” Osteoporosis Canada’s Relay Walk from Victoria, B.C. The goal of the Walk was to raise awareness of the disease and to help others learn to prevent fractures.

“Osteoporosis has pursued and disabled women and men relentlessly for centuries,” said Eleanor, then 79. “Now, when early diagnosis and preventive measures can be taken, it is our duty to get ‘out there’ and spread the news. We need to let people know about this disease before they have a fracture as I have.”

Eleanor realized she had a serious problem in the late 1970s, when she noticed that the hem of her calf-length dress was suddenly down around her ankles.

“That afternoon, I’d heard a very unusual crushing sound and felt a vibration as I awkwardly held onto some heavy grocery bags and tried to open the door to my home. The instant height loss was inexplicable. It was only later that I realized the sound I’d heard was the crushing of my spine. At the time there was no pain. That was to come later.” 

Eleanor Mills, left, and Mona Colicos

Eleanor Mills, left, and Mona Colicos

A Sunday afternoon stroll with a new walker-chair about 15 years later was Eleanor’s inspiration for the idea of a cross-country effort to help others overcome the pain and loss of mobility from osteoporosis. “I got in touch with others I knew in the osteoporosis field and then I started training.”

Eleanor spent two summers joining walkers in 130 communities across Canada supported by local volunteers. “Those who helped me were simply splendid. They cannot be praised sufficiently eloquently for helping me – a woman they had never heard of, and never met before.”

During her time as a patron of Osteoporosis Canada, Eleanor at 88 years of age, regularly attended national board meetings and special OC events. She encouraged those with the disease, as well as their families and friends and OC volunteers and staff to “Never give up!”.

Eleanor Mills died at her home in Toronto on October 5, 2004.  A tireless supporter of Osteoporosis Canada and an inspiration to thousands of people with osteoporosis, Eleanor was well known and treasured by the osteoporosis community around the world.  She is greatly missed.

Nomination Submission Criteria

  1. A member of the OC community who is a current member, program participant, volunteer or staff person can nominate a volunteer who meets the criteria and who best embodies the award’s spirit using the attached application form.
  2. Nominations submitted after the deadline are ineligible.
  3. Nominations must be submitted by the deadline of July 15, 2023 at 5:00pm EDT via the online nomination form.
  4. All eligible nominations will be reviewed after the submission deadline.
  5. Eligible nominations will be judged based solely on the submitted information. Only those individuals who best fit the set criteria will be granted the award. 
  6. The Eleanor Mills Inspiration Award will be presented at OC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), if possible, or at a local recognition event.
  7. One Award to be presented per calendar year.

Community Backbone Award

Recipients of the Community Backbone Award recognize individuals who volunteer in communities across the country who, through their actions, efforts and ideas, have made a significant impact in helping to support OC’s mission and vision.

Nomination Submission Criteria

  1. This is a staff nominated award. Staff members can nominate an individual in the community who meets the criteria and who best embodies the award’s spirit using the application form.
  2. Nominations submitted after the deadline are ineligible.
  3. Nominations must be submitted by the deadline of July 15, 2023 at 5:00pm EDT via the online nomination form.
  4. All eligible nominations will be reviewed after the submission deadline.
  5. Eligible nominations will be judged based solely on the submitted information. Only those individuals who best fit the set criteria will be granted the award. 
  6. Community Backbone Award will be presented at OC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), if possible, or at a local recognition event.
© Osteoporosis Canada, 2024
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