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COPN: The Canadian Osteoporosis Patient Network

COPN, the Canadian Osteoporosis Patient Network, is the patient arm of Osteoporosis Canada, a national network of people living with osteoporosis.

Founded in 2004 by four friends who were determined to overcome the challenges of living with osteoporosis, this group felt living with osteoporosis need a strong voice to provide the patient’s perspective in all areas including medical matters, research initiatives, communication, public relations and education.

In support of Osteoporosis Canada’s vision of a Canada without osteoporotic fractures, COPN represents the interests of people living with osteoporosis within Osteoporosis Canada’s programs and activities. COPN connects individuals affected by osteoporosis, communicating information about how to live well with the disease and advocates for comprehensive access to diagnosis, treatment and care.

Man and woman looking down

My Story

These are stories from women and men who have been diagnosed or have been affected by osteoporosis. These individuals are sharing their personal stories to inform and inspire others.

Man and woman looking at a laptop

Patient Bill Of Rights

With more than a year in the making and extensive consultation with members of the Canadian Osteoporosis Patient Network (COPN), Osteoporosis Canada is proud to present the Osteoporosis Canada Patient Bill of Rights. The Patient Bill of Rights is an important advocacy tool for our organization, and reflects putting the vision and mission of Osteoporosis Canada into action.

© Osteoporosis Canada, 2025
Charitable Registration No. 89551 0931 RR 0001