If you have recently broken a bone, you have come to the right place! The information that follows will help you to understand the pain that you are experiencing and the stages of healing that you will go through. As you click your way through these pages, you will learn what to expect from wrist, shoulder, hip and spine fractures. You will encounter self-help guidelines for basic movements like standing, walking, sitting and bending, as well as helpful hints for how to perform common daily activities like tying your shoes or getting up from a chair. Click on “videos on how to safely do everyday activities” on the left-hand menu to see short demonstrations. While this information may be helpful to anyone who has broken a bone, it is intended especially for those who have had a fragility fracture from osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to weaken. Weakened bones are more prone to break or fracture. The terms broken bone and fracture mean exactly the same thing. Fractures that occur because of osteoporosis are called fragility fractures. A fragility fracture is a broken bone that has happened as a result of a minor event such as:
- Coughing or sneezing
- Reaching or lifting, for example, a small child, or
- Bending, for example, to pick up a pet dish or to make a bed.
Fractures that occur because of a fall from a standing height or less, such as a trip, slip or stumble, at walking speed or slower are also called fragility fractures. Fragility fractures are almost always due to osteoporosis. There are no symptoms of osteoporosis until a bone actually breaks or fractures.
Osteoporosis Canada has made every effort to ensure the information provided here is accurate and reliable according to the best evidence available at this time. Even so, this information is intended to provide general, practical guidance and is not meant to replace individual treatment or consultation from a qualified healthcare professional. If you currently have a broken bone, please see your doctor before making medical decisions or if you have questions about your medical situation.