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Osteoporosis Canada hosts the FLS Forum 2017

Osteoporosis Canada hosted 60 delegates from all 10 provinces at FLS Forum 2017 on February 25th and 26th in Toronto. Current evidence on models to close the post-fracture care gap was presented and delegates gained an understanding of the tools they need to implement effective FLS in their own jurisdictions.

Flourishing FLSs, and the up-and-comers had the opportunity to collaborate to generate ideas to break down barriers to implementation, and build a strong support network to advance the implementation of effective FLSs nationwide. Speakers included Peace Arch Hospital physician Dr. Sonia Singh and Director of Clinical Operations Teresa O’Callaghan, who shared their inspirational success story of securing permanent funding for the hospital’s FLS, and Paul Mitchell, who has spent the last 16 years working on programs to improve fragility fracture care and prevention throughout the world.

The National FLS Team will continue to work with all of the provinces to keep the momentum on FLS implementation across the country.

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