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Vitamin K

Vitamin K activates a protein that helps build bone and bind minerals, such as calcium, to the bone structure.

Vitamin K comes in two forms: K1 and K2 and both are important for our bone health

  • Vitamin K1, also called phylloquinone, comes from plant sources like leafy greens.
  • Vitamin K2, the menaquinones, comes from animal products and fermented foods. K2 is also the form of Vitamin K that is made by the healthy bacteria in your intestines.

Vitamin K helps with blood clotting to make sure your wounds can heal.

How Much Vitamin K Do We Need?

Vitamin K is widely available in both plant- and animal-based foods. You can get enough vitamin K just by having one serving of green leafy vegetables a day. You do not need to supplement to get enough vitamin K in your diet.

Include a variety of foods to help get the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).

Vitamin K Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
(as either K1, K2 or a combination)

Females: ≥50: 90μg  |  Males:≥50 : 120μg
(this includes your diet and supplements)

If you are unable to obtain sufficient vitamin K through food, supplementation may be an option. Speak with your healthcare provider to learn about the best option for you. Supplementation is not recommended if you are getting enough vitamin K through your food.

NOTE: If you are taking blood thinning medications, talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes

Nutrient Calculator

Nutrient Calculator

 Are you getting the daily required amount of each bone building nutrient? Use the Nutrient Calculator to calculate your approximate daily intake for each nutrient.

Nutrient Calculator


Osteoporosis Canada is working to provide strategies, new ideas and develop recipes to help you get the bone building nutrients needed for bone health. Check out the selection of recipes.

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