The information on this site has been developed by Osteoporosis Canada in consultation with its Scientific Advisory Council. This Council is composed of leading Canadian medical and scientific experts in the field of osteoporosis.
While the information on this site is presented with due care, Osteoporosis Canada does not guarantee that it is free from all errors or omissions.
The information on this site is not intended to replace informed medical advice. It is important that you consult your physician or other healthcare professional for individual medical advice.
Links to other web sites from Osteoporosis Canada are provided for reference purposes only, and Osteoporosis Canada is not responsible for content presented on these sites. The appearance of corporate logos on this site does not constitute an endorsement by Osteoporosis Canada for the products and services of sponsoring companies.
All material on this website is property of Osteoporosis Canada and no part of it, be it graphic or textual, may be reproduced in any material form or shared with any other party without the prior written permission obtained from Osteoporosis Canada, except as permitted under the Copyright Act. To request permission to use any material found on this site, whether in whole or in part, please contact Osteoporosis Canada in writing. Any organization or individual interested in using Osteoporosis Canada’s corporate logo must obtain permission in writing.
The information on this site is assumed to be correct at the time of publication. However, changes in current research or other circumstances that may arise after the time of publication may impact on accuracy. Information presented on this site may change without notice and Osteoporosis Canada is not liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or used externally in any way.
Any publications or resources made available on our site are for an individual’s personal use only and reproduction without prior written request for permission is prohibited.